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Oolong Tea


Oolong tea began life in Fujian province, with a history there stretching back to around 1725 in Qing Dynasty. The tea plantation had already been producing green tea for hundreds years. This unique Chinese tea variety, also known as semi-fermented, possesses distinctive characteristics, featured by both the fully-fermented black tea and non–fermented green tea.


Oolong teas are partially oxidized teas and undergo the most difficult and time-consuming processing method. There are five steps when making: withering, making (or shaking) fixation, (stirring) baking fixation, rolling and drying up, two other steps at the beginning compared with making green tea. Therefore, they are key processes when forming the special characteristics of oolong tea. After withering, the tea leaves are put in a rocking machine; or for high quality tea in a bamboo basket. Making fixation is achieved by shaking the leaves. Some parts of the leaves would crash, enzyme released. After a series of biochemical changes, semi-fermented level is reached.

Caffeine compared with coffee


Possible Health Benefits

  • Reduce obesity and stress

  • Protect teeth

  • Protect born mineral density

  • Controls diabetes

  • Anti-cancer properties

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