Black Tea

Black tea which is fully-fermented is more oxidized and stronger in flavor. Black tea is the most popular style of tea consumed in Europe and North America. Black tea is manufactured in over 50 countries of the world. Premium black tea (full and whole long-leaf tea) is produced in various regions of China and India. The history of black tea in China can be traced back to the late Ming Dynasty, around the year 1590, when the first black tea 'Lapsang Souchong' was produced in the area around Mount Wuyi in Fujian province.

The production of black tea begins with the withering of fresh leaves, after that rolling, fermentation and drying up. Withering is a very important procedure at the beginning, sometimes heating and withering at the same time. Fermentation is the key to determine the quality of the black tea. After fully fermented, the leaves should be a copper colour and the veins are dark red. Drying up is to put processed leaves in bamboo baskets and to slowly roast them over the pine fire heated earthen ovens for 8 to 10 hours.
Caffeine compared with coffee

Possible Health Benefits
Protect heart
Help cure digestive disorders
Effective for intestinal disorder
Lower cholesterol
Help skin and hair health
Keep bone and tissue strong
Prevent breast cancer